Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Recently occurred habits from Ruby gems

  1. Ruby gem realm-core

    Last occurred:
    Domain layer framework following Domain-driven/CQRS design principles
  2. Ruby gem toycol

    Last occurred:
    Toy Application Protocol framework
  3. Ruby gem logstash-codec-plain

    Last occurred:
    Reads plaintext with no delimiting between events
  4. Ruby gem omniauth-streamlabs

    Last occurred:
    Streamlabs OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
  5. Ruby gem plantuml_builder

    Last occurred:
    Gem to build text diagrams with plant uml
  6. Ruby gem activeadmin_select_many

    Last occurred:
    SelectMany plugin for ActiveAdmin
  7. Ruby gem realm-rom

    Last occurred:
    ROM SQL persistence plugin for Realm
  8. Ruby gem kafo_parsers

    Last occurred:
    Puppet module parsers
  9. Ruby gem open_jp_reverse_geocoder

    Last occurred:
    this is japanese reverse geocoder.
  10. Ruby gem monkeylearn

    Last occurred:
    Ruby client for the MonkeyLearn API


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