Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Habitening soon habits from Ruby gems

  1. Ruby gem structured_warnings

    Last occurred:
    Provides structured warnings for Ruby, using an exception-like interface and hierarchy
  2. Ruby gem promotions

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    A small promotions library for your own small marketplace app.
  3. Ruby gem between_meals

    Last occurred:
    Between Meals
  4. Ruby gem dkdeploy-cucumber

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    Cucumber step definitions for browser tests
  5. Ruby gem doxie

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    Doxie API Wrapper for getting scans off your Doxie scanner
  6. Ruby gem tty-color

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    Terminal color capabilities detection
  7. Ruby gem simplecov-lcov

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    Custom SimpleCov formatter to generate a lcov style coverage.
  8. Ruby gem dripper_mail

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    A rails drip email engine
  9. Ruby gem lex-health

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  10. Ruby gem nested_form_fields

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    Rails gem for dynamically adding and removing nested has_many association fields in a form.


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