Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package T4Image

T4 Image: Compress, Resize, Create QR Code, Barcode,... T4 Image is library compress images on the .net platform. Has been added 2 function NEW: BarCode and QRCode T4 Image use core SkiaSharp. - Upgrade image compression algorithm compared to older versions. For more optimal compression results. - Support image compression with the quality selected in the range (from-to), instead of fixing a value like the old version. - Support compression level (Quality, Balance and Storage): + Quality: High file size, quality and speed + Balance: Normal file size, quality and speed + Storage: Low file size, quality and speed ### T4Image.QRCode: T4Image.QRCode qrcode = new T4Image.QRCode(TextInput, EECLevel); T4Image.IInput readImg = qrcode.Export(); ### T4Image.BarCode: T4Image.BarCode barcode = new T4Image.BarCode(BarcodeStandard.TYPE, TextInput, Show/HideLabel); T4Image.IInput readImg = barcode.Export(); ### T4Image.IInput: T4Image.IInput readImg = new T4Image.Input(fileImage) - Input image with: Url, Uri, File, String Base64, Bytes. - Details: + Url: readImg.Url() + Uri for


Count 7 occurrences
State Dead
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Trend Increasing
In degree 13
Out degree 0
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