Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package Walter.Web.FireWall.EventLog

Reporting interface for the firewall and the windows to support structured logging to the windows EventLog. The Package extends the reporting functionality to NuGet package Walter.Web.Firewall and is easily activated by dependency injection during service configuration services.AddFireWall(FireWallTrial.License, FireWallTrial.DomainKey , domainName: new Uri("https://www.your-domain.com", UriKind.Absolute) , options => { //your firewall settings }).UseEventLogLogging(options=>{ options.LogName = "FireWall"; options.SourceName = "www.your-domain.com"; }); More information on how to use this Add-On is available in this manual https://www.asp-waf.com/download/ASP-WAF-FireWall-Getting-Started.pdf as well as on-line at https://www.asp-waf.com/NuGet


Count 84 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 100
Out degree 0
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