Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Ruby gem cyberweb

Cyberweb is a tool-set project for the www. The project attempts to explore different ideas, including use cases as an (incomplete) web "framework". The cyberweb project in its present state is not fully documented, which is unfortunate - the documentation will be subsequently improved, until a 1.0 release will eventually be made available. I used the cyberweb project for many years to augment my ruby-cgi scripts. For these basic needs the cyberweb projects works fairly well. Since as of May 2021, sinatra is another option in this regard, so the cyberweb project tries to adjust to different use cases when necessary. For more information about the cyberweb project, please look at the following link: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/cyberweb/


Count 3 occurrences
State Alive
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 91
Out degree 100
External links

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