Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Recently occurred habits from Ruby gems

  1. Ruby gem rails_email_checker

    Last occurred:
    ActiveModel email validation. Checks MX records, sub address, regex, etc ..
  2. Ruby gem weighable

    Last occurred:
    Like BigDecimal, but for weight. Includes Rails integration.
  3. Ruby gem motion-kramdown

    Last occurred:
    RubyMotion version of kramdown parser for Markdown
  4. Ruby gem civic_information

    Last occurred:
    A ruby wrapper for the Google Civic Information API
  5. Ruby gem pastel

    Last occurred:
    Terminal strings styling with intuitive and clean API.
  6. Ruby gem redis-mutex

    Last occurred:
    Distrubuted mutex using Redis
  7. Ruby gem tty-pie

    Last occurred:
    Draw pie charts in your terminal window.
  8. Ruby gem dripper_mail

    Last occurred:
    A rails drip email engine
  9. Ruby gem swift_client

    Last occurred:
    Small but powerful client to interact with OpenStack Swift
  10. Ruby gem engine2

    Last occurred:
    Tree based routing framework with scaffolding support


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