Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Recently occurred habits from Ruby gems

  1. Ruby gem julia_builder

    Last occurred:
    Export your queries easily and fast
  2. Ruby gem minitest-silence

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    Minitest plugin to suppress output from tests.
  3. Ruby gem influxdb

    Last occurred:
    Ruby library for InfluxDB.
  4. Ruby gem global_sign

    Last occurred:
    A Ruby interface to the GlobalSign API.
  5. Ruby gem rasper_client

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    JRuby client to RasperServer.
  6. Ruby gem brite_verify

    Last occurred:
    BriteVerify is a paying e-mail verification service. You pass it an e-mail address and it tells you if the e-mail address is real or not. They offer a typical REST-like API. This gem wraps the API in a more Ruby friendly syntax.
  7. Ruby gem simp-test

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    test gem for CI
  8. Ruby gem platformcraft-filespot

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  9. Ruby gem spree_analytics_trackers

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    Adds analytics trackers functionality to Spree
  10. Ruby gem bs5

    Last occurred:
    Bootstrap 5


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