Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package Mvc.Utility.Core

A package, which includes helpful auxiliary methods. With this package, software development is faster. Features: - Extensions - Helpers - Filters * AjaxOnlyAttribute * ContentTypeFilterAttribute * GlobalizationFilterAttribute * PasswordValidatorAttribute * PreventDuplicateRequestAttribute * RequiredIfAttribute * RequiredIfNotNullAttribute * SessionEndLifeTimeFilterAttribute - Managers * ManagerBase * CacheManager * CertificatesManager * HtmlManager * HttpManager * InstanceManager * JsonManager * NotificationManager * NullManager * ResultManager * SecurityManager * SessionManager * RazorManager * WebConfigManager * UrlManager * PdfManager * Authorization Policy Based Manager - ModelBinders * DecimalModelBinder * HtmlValidationModelBinder - Providers * XmlSerializerProvider (abstract)


Count 19 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 26
Out degree 0
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