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.NET package Syncfusion.SfTreeMap.WPF

Syncfusion TreeMap for WPF control provides a simple and effective way to visualize flat or hierarchical data as clustered rectangles with a specific, weighted attribute determining the size of each rectangle. This control has highly customizable features such as displaying hierarchical and flat-level data, legends, different layouts, and color mapping. Key features: • Levels: Defines levels of various flat data and hierarchical data collection. • Node: Tree map contains groups of data collection, and each group has one or more leaf nodes. Each leaf node is displayed as a rectangle that is sized, and colored according to values assigned. • Color mapping: Supports categorizing nodes by customizing their colors based on the underlying value. • Layouts: Tree map provides different types of layout options to view child nodes in effective ways. • Legend: Used to add additional information for interpreting a tree map with various colors, shapes, or other identifiers based on data and application needs. Learn more: https://www.syncfusion.com/wpf-controls/treemap?utm_source=nuget&ut


Count 119 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
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Trend None
In degree 100
Out degree 100
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