Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package WinUtilities

Library for controlling windows, monitors, input, etc... WinUtilities is a small wrapper project that wraps Windows API functions to make Windows automation easy. The wrapper contains some user32, gdi32 etc... API calls as well as structs and enums that were necessary while implementing the features of the project. This means it does not contain all of the functions of those APIs. The wrapper is mainly centered around the Window class, since in Windows automation there is very often a window that is the target of some sort of action. The project is only tested to work on Windows 10, but it should work on earlier versions as well. The project is also still under development so later versions can contain breaking changes.


Count 26 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 64
Out degree 0
External links

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