Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package BoldReports.Net.Core

The Bold Reports by Syncfusion ASP.NET Core is a server-side helper package to build ASP.NET Core Web API service that is used for Report Viewer and Report Designer controls with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and JavaScript platforms. Syncfusion Report Viewer and Report Designer controls can be integrated with ASP.NET Core platforms through this helper. Key features: • Users can interactively provide report parameter inputs at run time to display reports based on the parameter. • SQL Server RDL specification expressions are supported. • Built-in SQL Query designer with a convenient user interface to create and view relationships between tables easily. • A rich selection of built-in report items, including charts, grids, pivot grids, subreports, textboxes, images, lines, and rectangles for better visual representation of data. • Report viewer supports multilevel grouping and sorting in data regions of report items such as tablixes, matrices and lists. • Interactive features in RDL specification like drill through, hyperlink, and interactive sorting to work with report at runtime. • Preview


Count 34 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 57
Out degree 73
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