Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package Kephas.Core

Provides a common infrastructure for other framework components. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - Ambient services: IAmbientServices, AmbientServices. - Dynamic reflection: RuntimeTypeInfo. - Composition/Dependency Injection: ICompositionContext, LiteCompositionContainerBuilder, IExportFactory. - Application management: IAppRuntime, StaticAppRuntime, DynamicAppRuntime, IAppLifecyclebehavior, AppIdentity. - Serialization: ISerializationService. - Operations: IOperation, OperationResult. - Services: SingletonAppServiceContractAttribute, AppServiceContractAttribute, OverridePriorityAttribute, ProcessingPriorityAttribute. - Threading.Tasks: PreserveThreadContext extension method. - Logging: ILogManager, ILogger. - Cryptography: IEncryptionService, IHashingService. - Data: IIdentifiable, IIdGenerator. - Diagnostics: Profiler, IProcessStarter. - Interaction: IEventHub, ISignal. - Commands:


Count 50 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 72
Out degree 15
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