Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package OktaOIDCFW

This Package for Okta WebForm and MVC scenarios 1- This Package supports .net Frameworks versions betwwn 4.5.1 up to 4.8. 2- Addng new json Files copy OIDC info to it. 3- adding new Web.config param <appSettings><add key="CanConnectOIDCFromServer" value="false" /> </appSettings> 4- Allowing Logoff and automatic token refresh Just add to your scopes offline_access Make sure that CanConnectOIDCFromServer = true, 5- ErrorPage Handling, add the to web.config <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="customerror.html" /> 6- ErrorHandling Module, add to web.config <system.webServer><modules><add name="OktaOIDCRequestModule" type="OktaOIDCFW.OktaOIDCRequestModule, OktaOIDCFW"/></modules></system.webServer> 7- this Package will handle the login Automatically, you can handle that by yourself by adding to web.config <appSettings><add key="AutomaticLogin" value="false" /></appSettings> 8- Adding the support for ASP.NET 4,5 and MVC just add ApplicationType = "ASPNET4" or ApplicationType = "MVC" or ApplicationType = "SECACPNET4" or ApplicationType = "SECACPNET5" to appsettings 9- Fix for Issue S


Count 18 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 11
Out degree 90
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