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.NET package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI

This library provides UI components, such as XAML extensions, helpers, converters and more. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. AdvancedCollectionView: It's a collection view implementation that support filtering, sorting and incremental loading. It's meant to be used in a viewmodel. CacheBase: Provides methods and tools to cache files in a folder. Converters: Commonly used converters that allow the data to be modified as it passes through the binding engine. Extensions: - ApplicationViewExtensions: Provides attached properties for interacting with the ApplicationView on a window (app view). - FrameworkElementExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the FrameworkElement. - ListViewExtensions: Provides attached dependency properties for the ListViewBase - LogicalTree: Defines a collection of extensions methods for UI. - MatrixExtensions: Provides a set of extensions to the Matrix struct. - MatrixHelperEx: Static helper methods for Matrix. - Mouse: Helper class for easily cha


Count 24 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 28
Out degree 7
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