Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package ThinkGeo.UI.XamarinForms

The ThinkGeo UI Control for Xamarin, based on .NET Standard 2.1. This package allows you to add maps and perform GIS spatial operations within your Android application. It provides classes to work with most GIS data formats, display popups, allow spatial drawing, manage projections, perform spatial operation and much more. Visit our website and wiki, link below, to learn more and watch ThinkGeo in action. ** This is the barebone version of the ThinkGeo Mobile Edition and is intended for experienced ThinkGeo developers who require fine grain control over their dependencies. All other developer please use the Standard Edition found at the link below. ** Package Documentation: http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/map_suite_mobile_for_android#barebone Wiki Documentation: http://wiki.thinkgeo.com/wiki/map_suite_mobile_for_android Supported Platforms: Android,iOS Other ThinkGeo Products: - ThinkGeo UI Components - ThinkGeo Desktop ThinkGeo Mobile ThinkGeo Web - ThinkGeo Servers and Services - ThinkGeo World Streets ThinkGeo World Imagery


Count 11 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 2
Out degree 63
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