Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package AspNetCore.CustomValidation

Attention: This package will be depreciated soon as the functionality of this package has been moved to `TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore` NuGet package. Please use `TanvirArjel.CustomValidation.AspNetCore` instead. Thank you. This is a custom server-side validation library for ASP.NET Core. This also includes jQuery client-side validation for each server-side validation. This version includes the following validation attributes: 1. FileAttribute: To validate file type, file max size, file min size, etc. 2. FileTypeAttribute: To validate type of a file. 3. FileMaxSizeAttribute: To validate allowed max size of a file. 4. FileMinSizeAttribute: To validate allowed min size of a file. 5. MaxAgeAttribute: To validate maximum age against the date of birth value of DateTime type. 6. MinAgeAttribute: To validate the minimum required age against a date of birth value of DateTime type. 7. MaxDateAttribute: To set max value validation for a DateTime field. 8. MinDateAttribute: To set min value validation for a DateTime field. 9. TextEditorRequiredAttribute: To enforce the requ


Count 10 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend Increasing
In degree 6
Out degree 1
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