Habitening Logo A cup of water.

.NET package Syncfusion.Xamarin.SfPullToRefresh

Syncfusion PullToRefresh for Xamarin.Forms is an interactive panel that refreshes the view loaded in it upon pull-to-refresh action.  Key features:  • Transition types: Choose between slide on top and push built-in animation transitions for the pull-able content and the refresh indicator when performing pull operation. • Hosting custom views: Loads complex views such as list view, data grid, and other custom layouts as pull-able content and refreshes data through pull action. • Customizations: Customizes the appearance of the progress indicator and transition animation for better user experience and to give platform-specific native look and feel. Note: This package needs to be installed in all Xamarin.Forms projects (PCL/.NET Standard, Android, iOS, and UWP). Learn more: https://www.syncfusion.com/xamarin-ui-controls/xamarin-pull-to-refresh?utm_source=nuget&utm_medium=listing Documentation: https://help.syncfusion.com/xamarin/pull-to-refresh/getting-started?utm_source=nuget&utm_medium=listing  Support: Incident: https://www.syncfusion.com/support/directtrac/incidents/newincident


Count 120 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 100
Out degree 100
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