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.NET package Syncfusion.XlsIO.AspNet.Mvc5

Syncfusion Essential XlsIO is a .NET Excel library that allows to create, read and edit Excel files in any ASP.NET MVC application without any Microsoft Office dependencies. Key features: • Easily import and export data from/to common data sources. • Perform quick evaluation with 400+ functions. • Import data into customized format using template markers. • Create and edit all chart types including Excel 2016 charts. • Cell data validations can be applied with operators, alert messages, custom formulas, and drop-down lists. • Highlight important cells by conditional formats. • Perform various cell level operations like resize, hide or unhide, insert or delete, group and ungroup, etc. • Supports various formatting like number formats, text alignments, font settings, border settings, color settings, rich-text, and more. • Apply built-in styles and custom styles to cells. • Sort data based on cell value, cell color, and font color. • Filter data based on cell value, cell color, icons, etc. • Read and write protected Excel documents along with workbook and worksheet protect


Count 120 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
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Trend None
In degree 100
Out degree 100
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