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.NET package Gremlin.Net

Gremlin.Net for Apache TinkerPop™ is a language variant and driver for .NET. Apache TinkerPop™ is a graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP). Gremlin is the graph traversal language of TinkerPop. It can be described as a functional, data-flow language that enables users to succinctly express complex traversals on (or queries of) their application's property graph. Gremlin.Net implements Gremlin within .NET. C# syntax has the same constructs as Java including "dot notation" for function chaining (a.b.c), round bracket function arguments (a(b,c)), and support for global namespaces (a(b()) vs a(__.b())). As such, anyone familiar with Gremlin-Java will immediately be able to work with Gremlin.Net. Moreover, there are a few added constructs to Gremlin.Net that make traversals a bit more succinct. Gremlin.Net is designed to connect to a "server" that is hosting a TinkerPop-enabled graph system. That "server" could be Gremlin Server https://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/current/reference/#gremlin-server or a remote graph provider that expo


Count 23 occurrences
State Dead
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Trend None
In degree 1
Out degree 0
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