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.NET package dotnet-reportgenerator-cli

ReportGenerator converts coverage reports generated by OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo, Clover, gcov or lcov into human readable reports in various formats. The reports do not only show the coverage quota, but also include the source code and visualize which line has been covered. Use this package if your project is based on .NET Core 2.x and you want to use ReportGenerator as a 'DotnetCliTool'. Warning: This package is intended for .NET Core 2.x. It will not work with .NET Core 3.x. Consider the dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool for .NET Core 3.x: https://www.nuget.org/packages/dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool Installation: Add the following element to your project file: <ItemGroup> <DotNetCliToolReference Include="dotnet-reportgenerator-cli" Version="x.y.z" /> </ItemGroup> Usage: dotnet reportgenerator [options]


Count 75 occurrences
State Dead
Last occurred
Habitening next
Trend None
In degree 100
Out degree 4
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