Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Habitening soon habits from PyPI

  1. Python package cdk-triggers

    Last occurred:
    Execute AWS Lambda handlers during deployments of AWS CDK stacks
  2. Python package napari-czifile2

    Last occurred:
    Carl Zeiss Image (.czi) file support for napari
  3. Python package tencentcloud-sdk-python-ticm

    Last occurred:
    Tencent Cloud Ticm SDK for Python
  4. Python package cdk-fargate-express

    Last occurred:
    A sample JSII construct lib for Express Apps in AWS Fargate
  5. Python package apache-airflow-providers-google

    Last occurred:
    Provider package apache-airflow-providers-google for Apache Airflow
  6. Python package torchfunction

    Last occurred:
    This package is based on pytorch and try to provide a more user-friendly interface for pytorch.
  7. Python package pdr-python-sdk

    Last occurred:
    pandora python sdk, simple to integrate with pandora
  8. Python package django-vtex

    Last occurred:
    Django Vtex Integration
  9. Python package odoo12-addon-document-page-project

    Last occurred:
    This module links document pages to projects
  10. Python package tencentcloud-sdk-python-iotvideo

    Last occurred:
    Tencent Cloud Iotvideo SDK for Python


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