Habitening Logo A cup of water.

Newly published habits

  1. Node package @vue/devtools

    Last occurred:
    StandAlone vue-devtools
  2. Node package @kongponents/utils

    Last occurred:
    Kongponent utilities
  3. Node package @czty/lchartliquidfill

    Last occurred:
  4. Node package @chiraagbyjus/react-library

    Last occurred:
    This is a library of generic UI components
  5. Node package nv-question-repo-basic

    Last occurred:
  6. Node package @yume-chan/adb

    Last occurred:
    TypeScript implementation of Android Debug Bridge (ADB) protocol.
  7. Node package elklogger

    Last occurred:
    Javascript Logger for ELK Stack
  8. Node package @functionless/aws-stepfunctions

    Last occurred:
  9. Node package antd-theme-vars

    Last occurred:
    Since Ant Design does not have a way to handle theme switch. This package will scan your theme folder and generate css and theme vars to override your less variables.
  10. Node package typeorm-disable-constraint-option

    Last occurred:
    Data-Mapper ORM for TypeScript, ES7, ES6, ES5. Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB databases.


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